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E.D.G.E.  (Effort Determines Graduating with Excellence) is the accelerated multiage middle school program at John Muir Academy.  By emphasizing effort and determination, students will obtain the skills needed to succeed in a 21st century workforce. 

EDGE provides a rigorous curriculum, which integrates GATE strategies to prepare students for a smooth transition into specialized high school programs. The high expectations of EDGE encourage personal academic growth and responsibility.

Teachers use problem based learning to reinforce academic knowledge, and its application in real-world scenarios. These lessons promote creativity and critical thinking making students innovative problem-solvers, desirable for any future school or real-world job. Personal academic interests are incorporated into research skills and inquiry to instill a love for learning while gaining in-depth content-related knowledge.

Through the EDGE program, students increase their knowledge of information systems and sharpen their interpersonal skills through collaborative work.

Innovate Public Schools Award

In 2019 and 2020, Muir's middle school  made the list of Top LA County Public Schools  in ELA and Math for closing the gap for Latino students. We are currently #3 (out of 118) in LA County in Language Arts and #10 (out of 121) in LA County in Math. As we continue to grow past the pandemic, we look forward to continuing our successes in closing the achievement gap for all our students.


Parents/Guardians - Please pair yourself with your student's Canvas account to view their grades and assignments and easily communicate with their teachers. The Parent Canvas App can be downloaded to your smart phone to make keeping up with your student's education even easier! For directions on how to obtain a Canvas account and pair it, please click use the following links. 

Link the Parent Dashboard to the Student Dashboard to see students’ grades and assignments. 

Para juntar con la cuenta de Canvas de su hijo/a por favor mire estos videos. Asi podran ver los grados y asignaturas.

Part 1: Getting the Student Pairing Code 

Part 2: Linking the Parent as an Observer

5th-6th Grade Choice

Muir's Middle School is NOT a school of residence. Students who are interested in attending Muir for middle school MUST apply through the Choice application on Parent Vue. Because we are a small middle school with only 105 6th grade openings, we regret that not all students who apply for Muir will be able to attend. The LBUSD Middle School/K-8 office will make all final decisions regarding student placement for 6th grade.

High School Choice

November - Choice conferences with each 8th grade student

 February - High School Site Nights

February  - HS Choice Application is available on Parent Vue. This is NOT first come, first served.

March - Acceptances will be posted on Parent Vue

Please visit the district website or your High School Choice Course on Canvas for additional high school choice information.

If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Conboy at

High school small learning community and special program descriptions

Suggested Supply List

Black ballpoint pens
Red pen for correcting
1 box of colored pencils
Sharpener (non-electric with holder for shavings)
3-5 glue sticks
1 college-ruled spiral notebook, 200 sheets or more for math
3 college-ruled one subject notebooks for science, history, and language arts
6 folders with the pocket on the bottom
1 large book cover for history
1 mini-stapler w/ staples
1 pair safety scissors
2 pkgs 3x5 index cards
Tissues for personal use
Small bottle of hand sanitizer for personal use
Earbuds or small headphones for Chromebook use

*Planner will be provided by the school.*